Spine Surgery Solutions
Surgical instruments for Bone InGrowth implants. Interbody Cages & Alternative Fusion Systems Procedures focusing on 3D printed solutions for Spine surgery

Interventional Radiology
Vertebral Augmentation, Percutaneous Discectomy, Biopsy and Special Products for Neurosurgery & Orthopedics Procedures.
Find out more of our products!

More and more in the orthopedic procedures are taking place procedures like calcaneoplasty, tibial plateau fracture reduction and reinforcement on osteoporotic femur.

Tsunami Medical's currently available products meet with the trends recognized in the international markets today, both with regards to Spinal Implants and Diagnostic Invasive Procedures.

The Wave of Innovation
Tsunami Medical is one of the leaders in Spine technology innovation, focusing on 3D printed solutions for Spine surgery and diagnostic invasive procedures.
The Company proudly refers to a long history, since 1997, of manufacturing and bringing high-quality medical devices to the international markets. Continuously focusing on
innovative product developments, a tsunami of additional differentiating surgical solutions is expected to be available soon.
Located in the heart of the “Biomedical Valley”, nearby Modena (Italy), Tsunami Medical’s dedicated team passionately supports both healthcare professionals and commercial business partners at excellence level.
We bring the innovationeverywhere
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